Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Questions on Blue Sheet

1. The protests were very organized. They usually private meetings to plan what they were going to do next. At the beginning they planned all of their plans very carefully but as time went on this changed. For example, they had riots and protests where they killed many innocent people. Following that they began to rob banks and assassinate many popular public officials.

2. At first I agreed with almost everything that the group was doing. However, as the movie continued it seemed like everyone in the group went crazy in the head. They no longer thought out and planned what they were doing and instead just did things on impulse which lead to killings of many innocent people.

3. The reason he became the group leader was because he didn't take any sass from anyone and acted very confident. He decided what the group was going to do next no matter if the group agreed with his plans or not. 

4. I was one of the students that stood in the middle. I feel that there are times in which violence is the only option in order to stand up for what you believe in. However, when possible peaceful protests would ultimately be preferred. It just depends on the situation.

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